Friday, April 24, 2009

Feast or Famine

Why is it that when I'm at work it's always feast of famine in terms of the work load? Why does it feel like my brain is generally working in the inverse manner during those times? I know that there is tons of things to do but my brain won't cooperate right now. All I can think about is doing something fun with the kids tonight. WonderDad is out of town on business and I really would like to do something fun with the kids this weekend.

We've actually had several really busy weekends lately. We went with WonderDad to BigCity a few weeks back, when he had to go for work. Unfortunately our car was hit in the hotel parking lot during that trip (of course there was no note!), but the kids and I ended up having a really good time. We found this great indoor playground to play in. Ok since the car was damaged we ended up only having 20 minutes to play there before they closed but we made the most of it. Then we met up with an old labmate of mine who is now postdoccing at University in BigCity for lunch at Red Robin. J's parent's were coming for Easter so she couldn't spend the rest of the afternoon with us. So I packed the kids up and we went to the Science Museum. They love that place. We played hard until it was time to pick up WonderDad and his co-workers who had driven up with us.

The following weekend we drove back to BigCity and went on an Easter train ride. The bunny himself was even there. There was some drama that morning but that is for another post, but it was a good trip. We took out my friend L who I used to babysit when I was at college on the East Coast.

Then the week of Easter unfortunately we were not all together. WonderDad and WonderBoy went to DC to see the College Hockey Frozen Four. They met up with WonderGramma and WonderPapa and even WonderUncle. It can be cold in DC in April, so I took the Alligator to Phoenix to see his Godmother, Tante D. Worst flight ever...tale for a different post but a great trip nonetheless.

Anyhow, back to this weekend. Since the Alligator was born I have found that WonderBoy and I don't spend as much time together as I would like. I know the Alligator is smaller and more demanding of my attention but I hate that I don't spend as much time with him. To be fair at times it feels like WonderDad isn't spending as much time with the Alligator. It's just tough. WonderBoy wants certain things and can play things that the Alligator just can't. I try to schedule special MamaSigi/WonderBoy activities but when WonderDad is out of town that just can't happen. Couple that with sometimes I'm just so flippin tired after work that I don't feel like playing with the kids. I am at times content to just to let them play with each other in the playroom, while I decompress a little. If I don't get that decompression time I find that I yell a lot more at the kids and they just don't deserve it.

But tonight is different. I have energy and I want to do something fun. So, I'm going to leave work a little early and get the kids. Our neighbors (just the mom and daughter) are going to come over as well and we are going to have a slumber party in my living room. K's husband is taking their son on a cub scout trip so we might as well stay together. I'm going to open up the sleeper sofa and get the air mattresses ready. We're going to pop some popcorn, Watch some movies, Bake some cookies and let K's daughter put makeup all over me. And tomorrow? We're going to the zoo.