Sunday, April 26, 2009

Missing WonderDad

WonderDad doesn't come home until tomorrow afternoon. I hate it when he's gone. Sure I'm getting better at "being alone". OK technically I have the kids with me but you understand. When we were first married I was so afraid of being alone when he had to go out of town that I would make a friend sleep over. My in-laws lived 5 minutes away but I didn't want to stay there. Not that they wouldn't have had me. They always offered but I had the cat to take care of and I did want to be in my own house. The upshot was that one of my friends, A, lived in the same town with her mom, so she loved the idea of not having to stay there for a week. I told her to come and go as she pleased. I didn't need her to entertain me. I just wanted to know that someone else was there. We've since moved and A is married so there goes that plan.

However the slumber party was a success. WonderBoy and K's daughter J didn't go to sleep until midnight when they finally crawled into K's and my beds but it was a good night. J stayed until 11:30 yesterday and the kids had a blast. They were running around in the back yard and using the bubble machine. There is sand everywhere from the sandbox. I managed to clean the living room, the porch, the kids room, the playroom half of the office and most of the kitchen. My room however is a disaster!

I adore K. The only problem is that she is naturally skinny. I'm not big by any means but I'm much shorter and curvier. Sometimes after spending a lot of time with K I feel like a water buffalo. If she weren't so wonderful you'd want to hate her. But you can't. She and her family are amazing. They might move. I hate to even think it but K's husband will know by June. Wonderboy and J are supposed to go to school together, and the prom and get married! Nothing official of course just a mama's plans. Actually, WonderBoy may have competition in the form of the Alligator. WonderBoy is a bit passive. Alligator is not. He was tying to grab J and give her a full on lip-lock. He tried to put his head in her lap. J wasn't into it but he tried nonetheless. What can I say, he IS MamaSigi's kid.