Thursday, April 23, 2009

The start of something

Since this my first post I should reveal, I suppose a few bits of information about myself. I'm a married mother of two fantastic boys. Our eldest, herein known as BoyWonder, is 4 1/2 years old. He's funny and gentle and terribly sensitive. I adore him. Our youngest, herein known as Alligator, will be two next month. He is a rough and tumble kid. He's already knocked out one of his front teeth. He has a great sense of humor and my Dad's smile. I've been married to DadWonder (I swear BoyWonder is a clone of his father, hence the name) for almost eight years. He's an engineer and does lots of stuff that I can't explain...not because I don't want to but simply because I actually can't explain them. I am a scientist. I have an amazing job for a company that will just be referred to as ThePlace. I've been at ThePlace now for almost five years. It's a good place to be.

So what's the point to this blog? Does it really need to have one? Ok well if I'm going to be perfectly honest, I used to keep a diary religously when I was in high school. I stopped around the time that I met DadWonder. I'm not sure why. I think that I just didn't feel the need to write in the journal when I had him to talk to. Don't get me wrong, I still have him to talk to. I love talking to him. But over the years I also had more female friends to confide in and they served as my diary of sorts.

I've found that the more educated you get (I've got my PhD from an Ivy...not bragging just filling in details) that you tend to get more specialized. Well in my field...specialization comes with a cost. You make friends and then they go off to their own labs and leave you behind. It was a lot easier when I was in grad school. Now that my family is more settled it's harder to find other couples that want the same friendship dynamic that DadWonder and I want.

I should explain. DadWonder and I married right out of his grad school. I was still working on my PhD. We had been together for 5 years at that point. Even though he is a fraternity guy, we never had that sterotypical fraternity lifestyle. I think we were always old for our age. We had BoyWonder when I was 27 and Alligator when I was 29. We've just always been settled. Unfortunately, our friends are just getting to that settling down stage. Some still getting married, some just having their first child, some still trying to find the right one. Anyhow, this leaves us either ahead of the curve or behind it. We're ahead of those that are just getting settled but our kids are too young at times to hang out with those who have been settled far longer than us.

What was my point? Oh yeah, in the end it gets a little lonely. So I'm just gonna start blogging. Maybe you'll find yourself in the same position and we can share this journey together. Maybe no one will read this and I'm just writing to myself. Either way sometimes you just need an outlet to think. This is mine.